Privacy Purpose Declaration for "Inview Partner" Advertising Services


  1. Caroda s. r. o., Id. No.: 05296072 is a company incorporated under the laws of the Czech Republic with its registered office at Na Pankráci 1618/30, Nusle, 140 00 Praha 4, Czech Republic (“Caroda”).
  2. Caroda is in the following lines of business, each of which has its own privacy policy:
    1. advertising technology for targeting, monitoring and serving video advertisements over the internet, and associated video migration and video hosting services (“AdTech”). For Privacy Policy regarding AdTech see [LINK].
    2. purchasing inventory (also referred to as “slots”) from publishers and re-selling it to advertisers through Caroda’s own SSP accounts (“Inview Direct”). Inview Direct is realized through AdTech with the additional use of tools described in Inview Direct Privacy policy [LINK].
    3. purchasing inventory from publishers and re-selling it to advertisers through third-party intermediaries (“Inview Partner”). Inview Partner is realized through AdTech with the additional use of tools used by the relevant third-party partner. The list of third-party partners, and the description of the tools they use, is provided below.
  3. This Privacy Statement covers only the data processed by Caroda in connection with Inview Partner.

3rd Party Tools

Provision of Inview services may involve Caroda collecting and processing personal data of users visiting websites as specified herein, through the use of third-party tools such as: